How to Restart iPhone: This method works for most iPhone and iOS versions, so it doesn’t matter if you have the newest or older iPhone. Allow us to begin!

Note that the steps below can be used with most iPhone models and iOS versions. But the button combinations or settings may be a little different for you if you have a different device or an older version of iOS. Keep in mind that you can also restart your iPhone by turning it on and off.

How to Restart iPhone

Step 1 How to Restart iPhone: Find the power button.

On your iPhone, find the start button. It is on the right side of most types of devices. However, it is in the upper right area of older iPhones like the iPhone SE and iPhone 5s.

Step 2 How to Restart iPhone: Hold down the power button.

Hold down the power button until the screen shows the “Slide to Power Off” slider. Wait until you see this slider before letting go of the button.

Step 3 How to Restart iPhone: Slide the switch to “Off.”

If you want to turn off your iPhone, slide the “Slide to Power Off” slider from left to right. This will start the process of shutting down.

Step 4: Hold off on turning off the iPhone.

Hold on for a moment as your iPhone turns off fully. The screen will be blank, which means the device is turned off.

Step 5: Hold down the power button again.

Hold down the power button on your iPhone once more after it has been turned off. It needs to be held down until you see the Apple sign on the screen. This means that your iPhone is restarting.

Step 6: Let go of the power button.

Let go of the power button when the Apple sign shows up. Just wait a little while longer, and your iPhone will show you the lock screen or home screen.


Why do I need to restart my iPhone?

Restarting your iPhone can fix several problems, such as apps that won’t work or freeze, slow performance, or other software bugs. It restarts the device and gets rid of any temporary files or processes that might be making it not work right.

If I restart my iPhone, will any information be lost?

You won’t lose any information or settings if you restart your iPhone. The process is safe and won’t hurt the gadget; it just restarts it.

How often should I turn my iPhone back on?

There is no set amount of time between reboots for your iPhone. If you’re having problems with your device or if it’s been running for a long time without being restarted, you should usually do that. Restarting your computer every few days or whenever you see performance problems can help keep it running at its best.

Will restarting my iPhone shorten the life of my battery?

The battery life of your iPhone doesn’t change much when you restart it. Closing any apps or tasks that are running in the background that might be draining the battery can sometimes make it work better.

Can I restart my iPhone by force if it doesn’t work?

Yes, you can force restart your iPhone if it won’t do anything and the normal reboot method doesn’t work. How to force restart an iPhone depends on the type of iPhone you have. On Apple’s support website, you can find clear directions on how to force restart your iPhone.

How do I fix my iPhone if the problems don’t go away after I restart it?

If your iPhone still has problems after restarting it, you may need to do more troubleshooting or contact Apple Support. Also, make sure your iPhone always has the most recent version of iOS and that you back up your information often to avoid losing it.