Change is the only thing that stays the same in the world of social media. Not long ago, Elon Musk’s cutting-edge social media site Twitter X released a major update for Android users. With this update, you can now have voice and video calls right inside the app, which is a huge deal. We’ll talk about the specifics of this update in this piece. We’ll look at the new features, how users can manage them, and the bigger picture of Twitter X’s recent progress.

A Look at the Most Recent Tweets from Twitter X

Elon Musk is in charge of Twitter X, a social media site that just released a big update for Android users. This update adds a new and exciting feature: audio and video calls. This makes the site more interactive.

Why audio and video are important in social media

In a time when connecting is important, adding voice and video features to social media sites is becoming more and more important. With its latest update, Twitter X tries to meet users’ needs for more ways to communicate besides text.

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The New Features in Twitter X

Putting audio and video calls on display

The most important part of this update is the addition of voice and video calls. Now, Twitter X users can easily switch from text-based conversations to more immersive voice and video chats, which makes the whole experience better.

Details on the premium package

People who have the premium package can use these cool benefits. This package, which users can get when they update the app, opens up a world of options that make Twitter X a more flexible and interesting social media site.

Accessibility in App Settings

To control these new features, all you have to do is go to the app’s settings. The controls can be found in the Privacy and Safety area of Direct Messages. Within this area, they can choose to allow or disable voice and video calling as desired.

Managing Features

Getting to the Settings for Privacy and Safety

Users who are excited to try out the new talking features should start by going to the app settings. The Privacy and Safety area under Direct Messages will be where you manage these new features.

Enabling/Disabling Audio and Video Calling

It’s great that there is freedom. Users have control over their calls by quickly turning on or off the audio and video options based on their needs and comfort levels.

Control Options for Call Authorization

Twitter X adds more control tools for call authorization to give users even more power. People who use the app can now choose from three groups of people who can call them: contacts followed users, and confirmed users. This extra layer of power makes talking to people better.

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User Flexibility

Three User Groups for Call Authorization

Twitter X knows that not all people are the same. With three user groups for call authorization, users can customize their experience based on how they interact with other people on the site.

Enhanced Communication Control

Users can now keep their contact circle smaller by choosing who can call them. This makes the experience more private and safe. The fact that Twitter X gives users this much power shows how much they care about their happiness.

Customization Makes the User Experience Better

Customization is emphasized in more ways than just calling permission. The general design and user interface of Twitter X shows that the company cares about the user experience, giving users a platform that can be customized to their needs.


Recap of Twitter X Latest Update

In conclusion, the fact that Twitter X now lets Android users make voice and video calls is a big step forward. Not only does this change reflect the changing tastes of users, but it also shows that Twitter X is committed to staying ahead of the curve in the competitive world of social media.

Significance in a social media world that is always changing

Social media sites are always changing, but Twitter X’s most recent update puts it ahead of the rest when it comes to meeting the changing needs of its users. Adding audio and video features is in line with the current trend toward deeper, more immersive online exchanges.

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Frequently Ask Questions

Can I use audio and video calls on Twitter X for free?

Yes, these features are available for free, but only for users who have updated the app.

What are the benefits of the basic paid tier on Twitter X?

The basic paid tier offers perks like a gold check-mark badge and ad credits, enhancing visibility for verified organizations.

How can I manage who can call me on Twitter X?

Navigate to the app settings, specifically in the Privacy and Safety section under Direct Messages, to control audio and video call authorization.

Are audio and video calls available to all Twitter X users?

Yes, as long as users have updated the app, they can access and utilize audio and video calling features.

Is Twitter X planning to introduce more features in the future?

While specific details are not disclosed, Twitter X’s recent updates indicate a commitment to expanding features and improving user experience.